Last week I got to thinking how a relationship can be defined. When you are dating someone and you do all the general things that boyfriends do, is it safe to assume you are already boyfriends just by the activities that you do?
Reading a popular blog ‘Break the illusion’, I became aware of the importance or more so the human needs to label something or a situation. We humans can rationalised a whole lot better when we can identify the meaning of something in order to know what it is.
The fear of the unknown plays a great deal with our minds, such as new tastes, new locations and change, partly due because we do not know what to expect from these new and exciting situations. We build a barrier and create a bubble which becomes our safety zone in which all that we know around us is safe. We can happily continue to live our lives within this bubble of the known world to us, but what is there beyond?
If Christopher Columbus hadn’t followed his instinct and broken his fear of the unknown far regions of the earth and sailed across the Atlantic to discover the New World, we would never be where we are now (that can be disputed with the genocide that the Indians of the New World faced with the Spanish conquistadors).
My outlook in life has always been to break the barriers rather than live complacent with what I have (that isn’t to say that I am not happy with what I have, because it’s important to be happy with what we get and currently have) but to break the bubble, live away from a predicable routine (easier said than done) and step off the fence, in my opinion, is a better way to experience what life has to offer.
Change is good! What ever it is! So in my case I have gone from being single to not being single. At first I have been somewhat apprehensive about such move considering where previous relationships have gone. I know I am heading in a good direction but I can’t help to notice other aspect s of my life still in need of change.
The thought of labelling my relationship daunted me because I didn’t want anything to change from what it is, but when it moves like a dog, barks like a dog then it must be a dog. I know that if the relationship is to progress between me and Kiwi Boy then so must the way in which we identify with each other and the rest of the world and I mustn’t worry about what the past has brought or what the future will bring.
Defining ones relationship shows the progression of where you are with that person; be it just dating to becoming boyfriends or getting hitched or simply remaining steady.
It’s been a long while since I last called some my boyfriend and I am getting used to that idea not only in my head but also by how it sounds when I hear myself say it.
There isn’t a general rule as to how you ought to define a relationship and it has more to do with the individuals views and feelings for one another that allow a mutual progression into a ‘next step’. If it’s easy to label a situation for one’s benefit of identification then do so. I for one like to separate my clothes in my wardrobe by colour, t-shirts, jeans, sweaters etc. By knowing where everything is I can easily go in a grab what I want (it isn’t the case all the time as I can be messy during busy and stressful periods). Anyhow this just helps me identify things.
Label or no label, just knowing and appreciating what you have, shows the contentment and satisfaction of wherever you are with your life right now. I know I am!